Saturday, April 11, 2020


I just wanted to give a quick update on the progress of my seedlings. I planted Poblano pepper seeds on March 7. They were the only seeds we picked up before Covid-19 hit. When I got them, I figured I would just come back later to pick out the rest of the seeds. Alas, that has not and may not happen.

My lovely, strong Poblano seedlings
I started my tomato seeds on March 30. I had in mind what tomatoes I wanted to grow this year – Juliettes are a favorite of mine, and I was thinking of planting a Roma variety for sauces, and maybe a big beefsteak (even though I haven’t had that great luck with them in the past). Well, I had four variety of tomato seeds on hand from two years ago, so those are what got started – red cherry, black cherry, black vernissage, and pink brandywine. I grew them all last year rather unsuccessfully, but that was mostly due to my inattention and too much rain. They are good tomatoes, and I think it’s good that I’m giving them another chance. The seedlings are putting on their first sets of real leaves, and are looking well.

Assorted tomato seedlings
I also decided to start some sweet banana peppers as I had the seeds from last year. They came free with an order, and actually grew quite well. I started some basil as well. I wanted to start some parsley and other herbs, but I have no spare herb seeds from years past. I’ll just have to go without or see what I can find after stay-at-home orders are lifted.

Basil seedling – taken with the new macro lens on my phone
I don’t plan on starting any other seeds. I will be able to direct sow everything else. I am hesitant to make a full garden plan that uses just the seeds I have on hand because I hope to actually get some of the varieties I had originally wanted for this year’s garden. I generally don’t plant the bulk of the garden until the end of May, so there may still be time to buy some more seeds; if they aren’t all gone from the stores by them. Victory Gardens, or at least earnest attempts to start Victory Gardens, seem to be a thing this year.

I really do love this new lens!

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